Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Got the offer.

Start Monday.

And everything is as it should be. I knew I screwed up registering for the July bar for some cosmic reason. I would have missed out on the perfect timing of this opportunity if I was stressed out and on my way to the bar the last few days....

Hope everyone there had a nice, cakewalk morning of essays and a performance test NOTHING like the horror that was the first PT in February. I really felt that I would not pass after that b.s. on Tuesday. And turns out, I was right. Both bar exams, the first afternoon PT has just screwed me over. Stoooopid 55.

But I'm not bitter or anything.


Anonymous said...

well.. I only finished the first two parts of the pt.. the last 2 parts.. only had the precedent statements that I was going to apply the facts/analysis to... is a 55 as low as you can get?

plus.. on the con law one.. had no idea about the executive order.. said congress couldn't do that..


abbagirl said...

oh, shit! *plugging ears* LA LA LA LA!!

i opened up your comment box to give you HELLA congratulations for your job offer -- only to find ashley telling you about the darned bar!! ugh! can i tell you that i think i totally failed, too?? :-P

never mind. i will try to put up a blog post about it before the night is over -- but i'm off to go cram -- oh! i mean, review -- for tomorrow.


but seriously WAY TO GO on the job! i'm super stoked for you!