Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I realized my funk was the beginning of a nasty cold.

Head foggy, nose stuffy... I hate being sick in the summertime.


abbagirl said...

bummer! i hate being sick during summer, too! i hope you do feel better soon.

i'm also kinda bummed that there was a logical explanation for your funk tied to an actual physical ailment. i have no excuses for my funk -- i'm just naturally bitter and grouchy. dang it, i thought we were kindred spirits!


do feel better soon!

p.s. your former boss sounds like a real jerk, the type of person i would enjoy smacking the hell out of. i seriously can't stand people who pull crap like that. . . . o_O

Anonymous said...

I really hope you feel better soon. The last thing anyone needs who is taking the bar is a head cold.

Best of luck on your third time. It takes a lot of guts, and if you can balance friend drama, kids, a husband, etc., this third time should be your charm! Go get 'em!