Monday, July 14, 2008


I am watching One Tree Hill while doing my web changes for the attorney I am working for right now, and INXS is playing on the soundtrack.

Okay, I heard it, and yes, I watch One Tree Hill, and I make no apologies. I fully realize I am 1) too old because I am above the age of 13, 2) too unhip, because I always wonder why the girls are dressed like sluts, and 3) apparently also a friggin' dinosaur, since the "retro" music on this episode makes me wax nostalgic about freshman year of high school, for god's sake.

But still... the people are so pretty and "Never Tear Us Apart" is a good song.... I may need to get on itunes and download me some INXS, Black Crowes, Bobbie Brown, Salt n' Peppa, Restless Heart, old and therefore actually good Garth Brooks, Damn Yankees, Heart, Police, Sting, Van Halen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Mr. Big, Paula Abdul, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson and other assorted sundries that defined my high school years. Wow, that list is, for the most part, a whole load of crap music that I used to listen to.

I already did it for my college years. Made myself a playlist entitled "1998: Good Times".

Wow, I am old. On second thought, maybe I'll just update the website like I was s'posed to in the first place...


CalBarNone said...

Theres a running joke amongst my friends that my Ipod was stuck in alternative rock 1996-1999 (my high school years). Sadly, my entire Ipod only now has Bar related listening!!

And yes, Cal Bar None secretly watched "The OC" (the first 3 seasons)... I think thats worse than One Tree Hill.

WC law mom said...

Wow... you're just wee one! I was done with college by 1997...

And I don't care what anyone says, The O.C. ROCKS!!!!! Gossip Girl is nowhere near as good. (Don't get me wrong- I still have the DVR set for it, though.)

My other guilty pleasures are the ABC Family shows: Wildfire, Lincoln Heights, Falcon Beach. Also, a couple of summers ago there was a short-lived show called Hidden Palms, with some of the people from the O.C.

Pretty people, pretty messed up. :)