Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Whew, I feel like I really dodged the bullet, since I completely SUCK at contracts/remedies questions (I never get how much time to spend on each of those distinct sections and end up missing the stuff I was s'posed to get.) and con law. Really bad at con law, as in, 50% of the questions I literally look at the question and think WTF? Then I have absolutely no idea what to write on the answer.

I hated that contracts/remedies question last July, too.

Really hopin' February is more like last February. That was a pretty okay test.

Oh, and my new guilty pleasure is Tori & Dean's reality show. It's like the scene of an accident: I just can't NOT look at it. And her husband reminds me of Slade from Real Housewives of Orange County. He's the type of guy I look at and and wonder how on God's green earth THAT person ever managed to come into money. Same with Tori. She's so plastic and looks like a drag queen. People actually came to her book signing and were talking about how much they loved her. What? What rock did you crawl out from under, people?

I'm just sayin'.

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