Friday, June 27, 2008


Okay, so when did my kids become the kind of whiny, bratty brats that demand stuff in stores and throw fits if they don't get the thing?

I spent three days this week cleaning- in only TWO ROOMS. Little J wanted a pink room, and big J wanted to paint her room. Big J already has a pink room. So, I said, thinking this would be easier (ha!), let's switch rooms and then I'll just paint one room.

If I had known the amount of cleaning and junk sorting that would entail, I would have waited until we eventually move out of this house and just drive through with a bulldozer. The stuff under the beds alone was phenomenal.

Then today we go to the post office/gift store and they want me to buy them a stuffed animal. Um, how much crap did I have to clean up? Nope, nope, and NO.

So, now Big J is whining and crying because she didn't get the stuffed animal. Sigh.

Some days I do not recommend to others that they have children. Keep your house nice, clean, quiet and NOT destroyed as long as possible, if you must have the little buggers.

Luckily, tomorrow Nana is coming to take them away while we go to Gary Farrell for wine and salmon and golf putting competition on the crush pad. Yum, yum, and Yummy!

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