Saturday, June 14, 2008


So, I have to say that this time around, I have a lot more confidence. Instead of approaching outlining an essay question with complete paralyzing fear, I look at it, immediately start seeing issues, and can put them in a nice logical order.

I think the anxiety has lessened A LOT. I think the intense pressure of "I have to pass. Everyone expects it of me." is now over. Now I just know that I know enough to pass, and I know I can write well enough to pass. I felt calm like this when I took the LSAT. The first time I took it, I was all stressed out and anxious. I wanted a good score like you wouldn't believe, and I didn't feel like I could really get one. I even cancelled my score I was so nervous about it. The second time I took it, I just wasn't worried about it. It was pretty much perfunctory to get into my law school, I did it years later, and consequently I did very well on it.

It would be nice if I could maintain this calm throughout the process.

I think Greg, the guy teaching my prep class is responsible for part of it. He is just very soothing and calming. He doesn't freak me out, and consequently, I am able to think, rather than feeling like I just don't know what the *right* answer is. I don't even really care what the right answer is. I just want to collect my points as best I can and move on.

Not sure how anyone else is feeling this time around, but maybe I'm just tired. Tired of being stressed out, or tired of worrying about it... Something like that.

That's not to say I'm not working on studying. I am, but it is just coming so much easier this time. I think the copious, and I do mean copious, memorizing I did for February helps. I still remember 3/4 of the elements without even going back to my flashcards, and the stuff I can't remember right away, I am not worried about, because I know I have the time and ability to memorize it, no problem.

Certainly I could do the same as last time again, and I'm aware of that. I'm just not panicked and fearful about it.

I'm thinking that's a good thing.

1 comment:

abbagirl said...

good for you! it certainly is a good thing. :) keep it up!!