Monday, June 16, 2008


Have you heard about the girl fight over a seat in Barbri? Brings me back to the super mature days of first year law school... I seem to remember someone asking me if I wanted to go out in the hall when I asked them to stop talking while I was briefing... hmmm, I think my 30's is too old to be going to the principal for getting in fights in school, but thanks anyway.

Here's the story, if you want to entertain yourself.

In my community property class, you would spend three hours with no outlet for your laptop if you were not sufficiently early to class. Did that mean I got all weird with people in my class? Hell, no. It's JUST class, for crying out loud.

And it's JUST Barbri, people. And, come on, if anyone should be well-acquainted with the consequences of not passing, it's me, and it's STILL not worth acting that way. You will not pass or fail the bar based on your seat in Barbri, even if you end up on the floor for lack of seats, like the first week of evidence at my school. (Wow, we had a lot of issues with classrooms when I was in law school.)

It's JUST THE BAR EXAM. I know it's tough, I know it's scary, believe me, I know there are all kinds of things riding on it, but you can't use it as an excuse to abandon your dignity and grace.



Dorian said...

And that's Berkeley BarBri - AM class.

WC law mom said...

That story DID make me smile, though... :)

L said...

WOW! just wow!
but i am also not surprised.
at davis, my friend told me two groups of girls actually got into a screaming and shoving match over saved seats.

L said...

One more thing:
I totally agree with you on your last point: there is absolutely no excuse to become a jerk.

It was really scary. I had really close friends become Barzillas overnight. They said and did anything they please and just blamed it on the stress of the Bar. Really sad.