Monday, February 2, 2009

Contract Remedies...

Wow, so I have found what I should have done last February.... I did this in law school, and then followed people's dumb advice and didn't do it for the bar and my scores suffered as a result.

I got myself a subscription to So, each day, my schedule is this: go to gym, use the machines and look like an idiot while I go through flashcards memorizing. Get sweaty and tired, so stop by Starbucks for a nice short nonfat latte. Come home and shower, then pull up baressays and pick a topic. Today it was contract remedies: pull up question, read and outline it (the first one is hard), and then retype the best scored answer(s) on baressays that correspond to that question. Pick another question in the same topic, lather, rinse, repeat.

By the third essay, I was able to outline within five minutes and type at a FAST clip getting all the elements in no time. It also teaches me how to limit the issues to what they are looking for and not get off on a tangent or get too far down the wrong path. Also, you get in and out FAST. A LOT faster than I typically was doing in the past.

Yes, the stoooopid California Bar Exam will not beat me this time!

I'm just sayin'.


abbagirl said...


you are SOO gonna rock this thing.


WC law mom said...

Yes, I vacilate between feeling like Wonder Woman and feeling like I'm pissed that I didn't just pass already... but it does no good to be bitter, so I might as well press on.

WC law mom said...

Yes, I vacilate between feeling like Wonder Woman and feeling like I'm pissed that I didn't just pass already... but it does no good to be bitter, so I might as well press on.