Saturday, February 21, 2009


Am I ready? I go back and forth. One minute I feel like I just don't know it as well as last February, but then if I pull out any random set of flashcards, I know the rules, so I feel better.

MBEs are the same for me. Actually, in some ways they are easier. I don't hate them as much. By that I mean that I read one, and I have the gist of what they are looking for. However, I just don't know some of the minute rules, so I am aware that if I could remember if the measure of damages between merchants is at the time of breach (it is- I looked it up), or at the time the contract was made compared to the contract price, then getting the right answer is not a problem.

However, I know I am not going to know it all. That's just impossible and too much to expect, so I'm past even trying or panicking about that. I know my writing is soooo much better and more confident. Doing essays got to the point where I could read the question and start spilling out the answer without even thinking twice, which is how I used to be in law school. I knew I was ready for a final when I could go through past exam questions and immediately see the answer in my head as it should be laid out. So, that is fine.

PT's: I actually feel really good about those. I figure one will be factually based and I feel like I know exactly what to do with that one. The other will be more rule, argument based, and therefore harder for me to cram into the time requirements ( I like to mull over and so the time crunch always throws me), but I'm just going to do the obvious, do what I can, and make sure I cover everything I can possibly think of.

So, aside from last minute memorizing, which I know I need to continue on, I am pretty much ready. I wrote out, using my blank page method, all my approaches this morning and feel really, really good about the stuff that I KNOW that I know. And even stuff that I think I don't know, I actually mostly do. On topics, like Con Law, that I know less well, I am at about 70% rentention right now, so I think if my worst subject is at 70% solid comfort level, then there isn't much more I could expect from myself.

Most importantly, I don't want to kill myself right now, as in past last weekends before the bar. I feel pretty good. I'm actually kind of looking forward to going there, sitting down in the test room, and showing the examiners what I know and that they have made a serious error in not giving me my bar card already.

So, that's where I'm at. Hope all is well with you, dear reader. Although comments are few, I know from my site meter counts that people are reading. So, good luck to all who are sharing this experience with me, and let's go kick some bar exam ass.

I am sure I will post again, but I just feel like I am now done preparing. I have memorized, worked on my writing, and mentally prepared, so the rest is just downhill- just finalizing and cementing the work I have done. I hope the same is true for all of you.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a "lurker"...reading but not commenting. But I just HAD to stop and wish you a hearty good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!
~A 1L who gets to do this in 2.5 years :)

Anonymous said...

What was always comforting to me was the realization that I didn't have to try for an A, I just had to try for a D+. :)

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. All I've done the past few days is memorize and rewrite flash cards, which is the one thing I didn't do the first time I took the test (Feb 08) and bombed the MBEs. I worked up until the beginning of Feb, so I didn't get to work on as many essays as I did the first time, but have been doing MBEs since November. I figure it's fated at this point, and am just going to trudge ahead with my index cards until tomorrow night. Monday will be simply looking at the essay outlines. I also feel very calm because I've decided that this time is it for me. I don't actually want to practice and am emoployed with a company where I've done well over the past three years -- this is simply for the resume. I was much more philosophical this time and realized my instincts were right and this isn't what I want to do. I simply don't like it enough and I know I never thought "legally." Anyway, thanks for the blog. Deciding that this is the last time has given me much peace of mind and made studying quite more palatable. Good Luck,

Emily said...

Good luck this week! I've been avoiding the blogs this time around but wanted to stop by for some inspiration, perhaps?

I like that civ pro run down you posted. I just did an exhaustive review of law and prior essays yesterday and it was nice to seek a concise summary of distinctions.

Go forth and conquer!