Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The reception girl was out yesterday, so I got the pleasure of answering the phone and (wo)maning the front desk....

Phone call #1:

Me: Law Offices.
Caller: Hi, I need a lawyer because I bought hay for my horse and it was poisoned. My horse died and I'd like to sue.
Me: Um, let me see if Mr. Attorney can talk to you for a minute.

Exactly ninety seconds later....

Me: Law Offices.
Caller: Hi, I need a lawyer because I have a perverted retarded guy standing outside my house yelling obscenities (I won't list said obscenities because they are particularly vile) and "f***ing Lezzzzz-bian!" at my house all day. I want to sue.... somebody. Is there anyone I can sue for that?

Wow, this is already waaaaay more interesting than defense work.....

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