Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Since contracts are one of my harder subjects, I have been working diligently on them... And, for your veiwing pleasure, I have broken down the basic contract formation question into my own little approach, boilerplate, cheat sheet, memorization key, what have you. Whatever you want to call it, I found that I really need the mental image of how a basic issue will break down and where each rule or item will go in the flow of the essay. This is also so the last two weeks I can do the blank page method of memorizing, which just means I take a large stack of blank pages and start writing out issue approaches over and over until I can do each without referencing my master one. It worked well last February and took away much of my panic at the sheer quantity of memorizing there was to do, so I plan to do that again.

I make no claim of the all-encompassing perfection of this approach, but it is how I will be going about answering any contract formation question I get....

Since it comes out small when I upload it as a jpeg image, I also copied the text into the post below. However, if you would like me to email it, I will certainly do so if ya leave a comment for me.


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