Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Legal Work...

I hate it when this happens because I always feel so incompetent, but it tends to be my process in answering motions to dismiss and demurrers....

I read the other side's argument. I think, hmmm.... what was I thinking drafting the complaint that way? Why did I take that client? They have no case! Egads, I'm going to commit malpractice! I will lose my license. These people should have gotten a real lawyer...

Then I read it again and get on Westlaw, and I start to get mad, because, really, what was that other lawyer thinking when they wrote such lame drivel, disguising it as the truth of the law? Sheesh!

Then I review my work, edit out the snarky stuff, and breathe a sigh of relief. I may actually do okay on this.

Every stinkin' time.

That was my day today.


Anonymous said...

There is no truth in the law. Judges can screw you, even when you are right. I have walked into a courtroom certain that I would win and the Judge bends me over and, well, . . . I lose. I have walked into court, ready to get yelled at, and the Judge sees everything my way and I feel like God.

Law is more about personality than rules.

WC law mom said...

So true... I've noticed that with TRO's as well. You never know what the judge is going to do. Sometimes you're the windshield... sometimes your the bug.

WC law mom said...

you're... I can spell, really. ;)