Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I almost cried in an interview today.

Well, I should clarify that. I wanted to cry in an interview.

That's never happened before.

So, I applied for this paralegal position. Met with HR lady yesterday. She liked me, and set up an interview today with the partner. Partner asks me a few questions, and then basically stops the interview and tells me he thinks he would be doing me a disservice by hiring me for this job that, while I could certainly do it, I was not cut out for. He said he was interested in hiring me, but as an attorney, not a paralegal. Then he started saying that I didn't go through all of law school, do extracurriculars, get scholarships, do law review, only to be a paralegal.

Ouch. Did my dad just start talking? I think I even said my dad said the same thing.

So, the whole thing went from interview to pseudo-therapy session, where he advised me to do whatever I needed to do to get ready for July, and call him WHEN I passed the bar, not if.

So, that was eye opening. Someone I don't even know is telling me what they think is the best thing to do... definitely brings everything into stark reality.

So, this evening I will be looking at my bank account and trying to figure out if there's any way at all I can make it the next couple of months without a salary. It does help that my salary isn't all that much and half of it gets eaten up by daycare, which would go away if I was at home all day.

Of course then I have to get the okay from the hubby on quitting. Not sure how well that would go over at all.


Anonymous said...

How wonderful that someone you were interviewing with saw through your bar anxiety to the REAL you, and affirmed what you'd been working for!

Anonymous said...

The problem with a law degree and no license is that people will always think that you just want a placeholder job until you actually pass the bar. Then, once you have a license, people REALLY will think that you could only want a placeholder job until you find a position as a lawyer. Therefore, to meet the expectations of others, 1) pass bar and 2) work as lawyer for at least 2 years before searching for non-legal work.
Of course, you could always just say screw it and try to find another job or open a business or something. LIfe is full of twists, and sometimes when you want something enough, it happens.