Saturday, June 7, 2008


Went to class all day...

brain is now mush.

Did okay for the morning, but I didn't eat anything at the lunch break, so after two hours of Con Law and Property in the afternoon, I was dizzy and couldn't see straight. Can I just say how much I despise Con Law? It's not even that it's THAT hard, it just brings back memories of the teacher I hated and the contentious arrogant people who were in my class... that was just a horrible year of class.

So now, I suck at Con Law as a result.

Property, on the other hand, I loved, but the lecture consisted of going over a really, really difficult real covenants and equitable servitudes question that makes my brain turn in circles.

But I did learn a few things, such as how I need to address my inadequacies at the more linear subjects like contracts. I'm going to do my own timeline, plugging in where every single little rule and doctrine goes, so when I get an essay, I have the visual breakdown, in order, in my head. My problem on organization is that I know the rules, but it doesn't seem like it, because I tend to say each rule as they come to me, not necessarily in the order they are supposed to go, as in, UCC 2-207 goes under acceptance, not interpretation of the contract terms.

I'm sure this is nothing new, and I could probably find some kind of study aid that does this for me, but the act of doing it and synthesizing the issues is the important part for me. That's how I learn it.

Oh, and I got my essays back from the February debacle, and I started reading them, and I just didn't get what was so bad about my torts essay. Seemed like I covered the issues, and in the proper order. I think I just lost holistic points because my language is not strong enough. I like to say "likely" and "may" and "could" instead of "will" and "is".

Ironically, I do the best on the subjects I know the least, like crim pro and trusts and wills. Trusts I did not study at all, except for checking the duties of a trustee five minutes before I walked to the testing center Thursday morning in February, and I did well on that essay. Same for crim pro, although I did actually study that (for MBEs, mainly.)

Not sure what that means. That's been true for me all through law school. I think if I just have a few rules, I tend to simply apply them in straightforward, clear language without making it more complicated and doing what I think I'm *supposed* to do, whatever that is. Sigh. Apparently more knowledge is dangerous for me.

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