Wednesday, June 11, 2008


In keeping with CalBarNone's pledge to not let the bar exam rob him of his good health along with all the other things it tries to steal from us: our money, our dignity, our time, our SANITY...

But I digress... In keeping with the fitness trend, I am doing fitness boot camp along with my friend, L, who has already passed the bar, but is finding that her ass is expanding with every lunch out that she goes to with colleagues. (My ass is expanding exponentially with each bar exam I am forced to endure.)

It started last Monday. Monday was all right. Tuesday I thought I was actually going to have a heart attack. Wednesday I think I had a small stroke during the running part.

But I lived. I lived all week to experience my husband laughing and laughing every time I groaned after the slightest movement. Remember that "Friends" episode where Monica helps Chandler get in shape? Remember his "ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!" when lifting his arm to sip coffee? Yep. That was me.

And did I mention it starts at five friggin' thirty in the morning? What was I thinking? But, once through the first week, I am doing all right. My pants are slightly looser, which is better than they were before, and I can actually do all of the exercises, even the ones I struggled to do even one rep of last week. (The mere mention of squat thrusts still makes me shudder, though.) And, once I'm actually upright in the morning, the early rise is just fine.

So L is already talking about the next session, and how we need to sign up for it. She's all excited about getting up early to go sweat. And to think, it took me three weeks and the experience of not being able to button her pants to get her to agree to do it. And now, she's a friggin' disciple.

I'm so proud.


CalBarNone said...

If there is one thing I fear, its taking a left hook from a woman after two weeks of daily bootcamp. I've seen some arms that borderline Madonna scary. That said- bootcamp is definitely not for me, I wouldn't want angry, buff women punching me because I threw up all over their gym shoes!

thecabarandme said...

I'm not sure what a squat thrust is, but I don't think I'd like it. I'm content running enough to be able to drink wine at dinner and eat dessert afterward and not worry about it too much!


WC law mom said...

LOL! It's not QUITE that bad. And mostly it's women who are fatties like me. There's only one woman who is military fit, and me and L want to punch her daily. The rest of us struggle like crazy through all the exercises. Oh, and a squat thrust is this: from a standing position, bend over and put your hands on the ground, hop both feet back and then hop forward again and stand up. I almost threw up the first time I tried to do them! And the worst part is, the entire thing, if you do it right, is to hop back, do a full push up, and then hop forward and stand again. I can't do the push up part at all. I can barely do the hop back after a week. It's the running that really kills me, especially since it's sandwiched in between other exercises. But, I have seriously become a complete fatty, from sitting at a desk at work all day, then coming home and sitting while I study. All that inactivity has made me look like I stuff my face with Krispy Kremes, and I haven't eaten that stuff since my last set of law school finals. So, exercise it is. My disappearing gut will thank me later!