Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sad Day...

Our doggy Molly got hit by a car last night. Not sure how someone could be driving on a road, hit an animal, especially a yellow dog, and not stop, not call the number on the poor dog's collar, nothing. Luckily, some neighbors found her collar and called us. My husband went and got her last night and buried her this morning.

She was the most sweet, joyful dog. My buddy in the kitchen. Bacon was her favorite, so weekend mornings were the time she most looked forward to, when I might be in the kitchen cooking up bacon or sausage at breakfast. She got so excited to "assist" in taking the trash out that she would treat it like a covert operation, running out to the trash cans, looking left and right, and then standing guard while my husband dumped the trash bag. She was always ready to follow wherever her people were going, or just to sit at your feet if you were ready to be lazy. She had a habit of either sitting on my foot or leaning against my leg, simply because she wanted to be near someone. She adored running through the vineyards, and was always a runner. Unfortunately, that's what led to her digging her way out of her kennel, despite all our precautions. She chose the wrong moment to run out onto Dry Creek Road. Poor girl.

I can't imagine having another dog I so thoroughly enjoyed. She may have been my husband's dog, but I can say I loved her wholeheartedly, too. She will be missed in our family.


Anastasia said...


abbagirl said...

that fucking sucks, wclm. losing a pet is losing your most loyal, steadfast, unwaveringly loving family member, and i know it's got to be the hardest thing. i'm so sorry.

the person who ran her over and didn't stop is a callous, cold-hearted jerk. s/he'll get what's coming to 'em. i'm a firm believer in the idea that how one treats other humans and non-humans reveals one's true nature, and that treating animals like shit will eventually cause that person to suffer correspondingly.

that jerk will get what's comin' to 'em!

again, i'm sorry for the loss of molly. hang in there -- and i hope you do eventually come to welcome another dog into your family. they are the sweetest, most loving creatures.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

aespillers said...

I am so sorry. These animals fill up the empty spots in our lives with unconditional love and it is almost unbearable when they are taken from us. This dog knew she was loved.

Anonymous said...

sorry for your loss

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry you lost a most precious pet who was part of your family.