Wednesday, November 18, 2009


A very nice woman came in today for an intial consultation. She started to cry when she started explaining how she makes less because of a mandatory pay cut from the state, and she is struggling to pay the few bills she has.

I went and got her a tissue, we talked, and we figured out some things she can do to help with her financial issues.

Then I gave her her check back for her initial consultation.

My office manager/assistant was less than thrilled. She disagreed that I should be more concerned about this lady's finances than my own.

Granted, I like to pay my employees, and I like to make enough money to pay my bills, but I just cannot feel good about charging this lady for a consultation. She is hiring me to do some things for her, and that is enough.

I think there is a reason we are often called attorneys and counselors at law. You really do need to counsel people. Sometimes it's that they come in and have no idea what they can do to help their own situation and they are really at their wits end. Sometimes they are just in denial about their situation. I have had to tell people they can't afford their house. I then apologize, because I realize that's not the news they want to hear. However, usually they take it pretty well. Sometimes, I think it's what they need to hear from someone else that they trust and don't have to feel embarrassed to discuss financial issues with. Plus, I can deliver some good news about what their options are if they do walk away from the house.

So, the end result of today's experience is that I think if you cannot develop compassion, you make a crappy attorney. Even doing defense work, if you lack the ability to recognize that some people were indeed damaged, then you do your client a disservice when you fail to advise them of their exposure.

Okay, off my soapbox now.

1 comment:

Kris said...

There is nothing wrong with having a bit of compassion for someone struggling. That 45 minutes of your time probably means the world to her.

And, you can tell the office manager that when that lady is asked if she knows a good lawyer - she'll recall your comapssion - and the fact she wasn't squeezed like a pip. Which is pretty rare.