Friday, May 30, 2008



This sucks. Completely. I have no incentive to study whatsoever. It is definitely slow going. I did nothing at all yesterday.

Oh well... one flashcard at a time. That's all we ask.

Oh, and did I mention how much I hate the Strategies and Tactics authors? The intro section talks all about how to approach the test. (I figured I needed to read it since apparently I didn't approach correctly or I'd be past this dumb test.) They say, in all seriousness, real property questions are much harder and most people are better off focusing on the *easy* con law questions because you can get those right... Well, I must be some kind of defective because I never get more than 57% of the con law questions right, even though I studied the daylights out of them to get my score on that topic up. Easy my ***. I'll take a future interests question any day. THOSE suckers I can get right on about 85% of the time.

I think that's enough complaining for today... back to *easy* con law questions and flashcarding.

1 comment:

The Grand Poobah said...

Spoken like a true Bar Exam Veteran. I could copy this post verbatim into my blog and it would be a true and accurate representation of my average day.
